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Create registryOur policy
We believe that our success is closely linked to the excellence of our people.
Over more than three decades we have been building a solid and credible company, recognized for the promotion of technology and innovation in the market and for the competence and knowledge that it places in the daily relationship that it maintains with its business partners.
We believe that our success is closely linked to the excellence of our people.
More than any other factor or variable, the human element has become a critical and decisive factor in the pursuit of F.Fonseca's objectives. Unlike other factors that, in most cases, do not differentiate the different companies, our competitive advantage has resided in the quality and dedication of our people in their development and training.
By becoming the main instrument of growth and wealth, human resources must be given adequate, sensitive and professional treatment. Human potential must be developed and renewed, must be rediscovered, motivated, cherished and respected. F.Fonseca's human resources policy has taken on these challenges.
From the process of selection and integration of new employees, through the strong commitment to the continuous training component, ending in the structured and fair evaluation of performance, the human resources policy has been following the business strategy, ensuring the development, motivation, Satisfaction and the involvement of all employees so that we can achieve all the strategic objectives that we propose.
We believe that our success is closely linked to the excellence of our people.
More than any other factor or variable, the human element has become a critical and decisive factor in the pursuit of F.Fonseca's objectives. Unlike other factors that, in most cases, do not differentiate the different companies, our competitive advantage has resided in the quality and dedication of our people in their development and training.
By becoming the main instrument of growth and wealth, human resources must be given adequate, sensitive and professional treatment. Human potential must be developed and renewed, must be rediscovered, motivated, cherished and respected. F.Fonseca's human resources policy has taken on these challenges.
From the process of selection and integration of new employees, through the strong commitment to the continuous training component, ending in the structured and fair evaluation of performance, the human resources policy has been following the business strategy, ensuring the development, motivation, Satisfaction and the involvement of all employees so that we can achieve all the strategic objectives that we propose.
F.Fonseca in numbers
No of employees
Level of seniority
- than 5 years
5 to 10 years
10 to 15 years
15 to 30 years
+ than 30 years
Age range
Get to know us a little better!
Adrian Silva
Internal customer manager

Adriano Santos
Sales manager

Alexandra Silva
Digital marketing technician

Ana Bela Tomé
Logistics coordinator

Ana Fonseca
Graphic designer

Ana Rita Soares
Customer manager

Solange Silva
Communication and digital channels manager

André Garcia
Production technician

António Cardoso
Customer order manager

António Silva
Credit manager

Beatriz Martins
Internal customer manager

Beatriz Silva
Training technician

Bruno Carvalho
Product and customer manager - Environment

Bruno Santos
Customer manager - Building technologies

Bruno Silva
Industrial automation technician

Carla Alegria
Accounting coordinator

Carla Maia
Internal customer manager - Technical assistance

Carla Peralta
Marketing technician

Carlos Almeida
IT technician

Carlos Ferreira
Customer manager

Carlos Gonçalves

Carlos Santos
Técnico de produção

Catarina Mota
Human resources and training technician

César Lázaro
Internal customer manager

Daniel Almeida
Order manager

David Pereira
Product manager – Machine vision, identification and measurement

Dylan Scrivens
Machine vision technician

Graça Moita
Administrative assistant

Helder Lemos
Product and solutions manager

Henrique Ferreira
Customer manager

Inês Vergas
Training technician

João Toito
Product manager - Building technologies

João Nogueira
Customer manager - Building technologies

José Martins
Production technician

Lénia Matos
Product manager - Control, drives and HMI

Lina Ferreira
Customer manager - Building technologies

Luís Aguiar
Internal customer manager

Luís Cadilhe Santos

Luís Campos
Customer manager

Luís Cerqueira
Machinery safety specialist

Luís Santos
Logistics technician

Manuel Oliveira
Executive board member

Marisol Prata
Financial and administrative coordinator

Miguel Queiroz
Internal customer manager

Miguel Valente
Product manager - Process

Nuno Fernandes
Product manager - Automation and electrical cabinet

Nuno Soutinho
Product manager - IoT

Patrícia Cruz
Graphic designer

Paula Gonçalves

Paula Matias

Paula Soares
Internal customer manager - Technical assistance

Paulo Lopes
Coordinator and internal customer manager

Paulo Sousa
Machinery safety specialist

Pedro Cruz
Customer manager

Pedro Soares
Human resources and training manager

Ricardo Ferreira
Customer manager

Ricardo Gomes
Industrial automation technician

Ricardo longo
Safety, measurement and automated identification technician

Rogério Vale
Product manager - Detection and collaborative robotics

Rómulo Pinto
Internal customer manager

Rosa Ferreira
Cleaning technician

Rosa Silva
Internal customer manager - Technical assistance

Rui Lamas
IT and quality manager

Samuel Assunção
Customer manager

Sansão Castro
Logistics technician

Sérgio Gonçalves
SAT Coordinator and process and instrumentation technician

Sónia Marques
Administrative Assistant - Logistics

Tiago Carvalho
SICK Team leader and product manager - safety

Tiago Maia
Human resources and training technician

view the entire team
Do you want to work with us?
The success of F.Fonseca is based on the qualifications and the performance capacity of its employees. F.Fonseca creates the ideal conditions to support careers and bets on the satisfaction of its employees. Do not miss out on the opportunity to build an engaging career.
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